Five Words With Hidden Meaning That Make Some People Unstoppable

Matt Davis
8 min readMay 10, 2018
This article will change how you navigate your future.

These 5 common words have hidden meanings that decide the future.

With them you can change how you navigate the future. Choose an ideal future and notice when you get off track.

Words and their meanings shape the way you think. The way you think shapes your future.

Word #1— Doubting Doubles your Troubles

Word number one is doubt.

Only two words in English start with “doub”. Doubt and double (and their derivatives like doubtful, doublet, etc.)

How are these words related? What does doubt have to do with double?

Doubt comes from the latin dubitare: to be uncertain or to hesitate. Dubitare traces back to the root duo, or two. That’s because:

When you doubt yourself, you become of two minds.

You begin to second guess yourself or your understanding of the situation.

